

This is after all, Bella's unluckiness or her fate to let that kind of being to fall for her. She shouldn't really have let Jacob fall for her, and it started at the beach party or something-and she's such a...XD. Nevermind, anyways, she leaves her friends for Edward. And Leaving her Friends, also mean leaving Jake.
Jake is a really nice kid and as a lover-so-so. And I don't hate him-I like him. Though I really fell in love with Edward. Though I don't like JAcob being disappointed. So, just take it easy. If it cools 'ya down, Hate Bella. this is evil. I don't justify a character, especially the character I love being flamed. but I see everyone here is hot with...tension? is maybe the right word. hahahaha!

You can hate Edward, but It doesn't mean that it's ok for some people, you have the right to say your opinion.
You can still love Edward while liking JAke.
Jacob was a sweet guy until he turned into a werewolf. I loved his caring nature to Bella while Ed was gone.
And you sound like one of the Blacks. Congratulations.
I love Edward.


it will be a twist if someone dies. hahaha just lovin twilight can't w8 for november 21st! XD

--- twilight is a must have! echos! hahahaha ! watch out for the new twilight release this month i think! ^^ i wish i could hve it!

gud day!

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