
english dude! english!

Tayong mga Filipino compare sa ibang nationalities, we make fun of not speaking English properly. Yung nga Japanese people don’t care if they speak broken English, Chinese people couldn’t care less either. At dahil love natin ang American, we adopted English as our second language. Ngayon if you make grammatical errors. Gaya ng iba you should wear speaking in pidgin tagalong daw as a badge of “sossy-ness”but xmpre few would wave their bad English with pride weird noh?. Pero let’s face it.. we find it funny.

1. August 12, 2008 → The Top Ten “Mag-Tagalog Ka Na Lang!” Quotes - Agent 2B Biboy Blue - While our teacher was writing on the board, someone threw paper at him. He turned around and shouted, “Hudas dat person dat did dat?”
2. Beb Ni Tykes - When my mom was in a spa, the masseuse asked, “Swedish or Thai?” My mom answered, “I’m Pinoy!”
3. Honbee - When I arrived late at friend’s house, he asked, “Have you been eaten?”
4. Ferdz - From a high school classmate: “Simple problem you cannot solution? How can you graduation?”
5. Wowie - From a sosyalerang panget on a jeep: “Driver, payment!”
6. No name - An officemate during a meeting - “I second emotion!”
7. Sundowner - A beauty contestant when asked what would she advocate should she win: “I want to promote drug abuse!”
8. Sundowner - Same beauty contest, same question, different contestant: “I will donate trash to every barangay!”
9. Jose de vengenge - Host: “How will you describe the color blue to a blind man?” Beauty contestant: “Good question, keep it up! I thank you.”
10. Jose de vengenge - Host: “What makes you blush?” Beauty contestant: “Blush-on?”
11. Jose de vengenge - Host: “What is the youth’s biggest problem today?” Contestant: “Drugs.” Host: “Why?” Contestant: “Mahal eh!”
12. Scrambledegg - “You can fool me once, you can fool me twice, you can even fool me thrice, but you can never fool me four!”
13. Filthy Rich Beggar - An officemate arguing on the phone: “I called you three times! No ha, no ho!” (Ni ha, ni ho)
14. No name - My angry boss when I took half the day off: “Where did you been?”
15. Ishi - Our English teacher: “I have a son. My son is a boy.”
16. Astroboy - Dude 1: “What’s the difference between H2O and CO2?” Dude 2: “H2O is water, CO2 is COLD water!”
17. Astroboy - Teacher: “Define ethics.” Student: “Ethics are smaller than ducks.”
18. No name - Over the PA system at the airport: “Passengers please proceed to git it. I ripit, git it.” (”gate 8″)
19. Dru - I get this all the time when I ask applicants: “How do you want me to call you?” Applicant: “Uhm…cellphone?”
20. Scully - A high school classmate: “We own a boutique. You know, where you buy medicine?”
21. No name - When I introduced my twin sister to my high school teacher, she asked, “You’re twins? Since when?”
22. RhachaeL_Leigh - College professor: “What you are I was. What I am you will.”
23. Myra - When our secretary got a call looking for a lady who was in a meeting with the boss in his room, the secretary said, “She is inside her boss.”
24. No name - Calendar Girl: “I will win because I have da 3 “V’s”. Vivacious, Vyootipul, Very Okay.”